IP Supports Local Elementary Schools with Literacy Grants
Impossible Possibilities (IP) awarded a pair of $1,000 grants to two Fort Worth ISD elementary schools to support children’s literacy.

Washington Heights Elementary used the funds to purchase 54 new hard back books for its school library, while Cesar Chavez Elementary purchased activity materials to supplement its existing pre-kindergarten curricula.
Both schools are involved with the organization’s Maven’s Milestones (MM) Reading Achievement Program. The incentive-based program currently works with more than 1,600 students at four Fort Worth ISD elementary schools. The program rewards students for reaching each of "Maven the Raven's Milestones:" Ascent, Afterburner, Approach and Call Sign Maven. Each milestone represents a specific number of points that the students earn by reading books and passing online quizzes.
Delayed starts to the 2020-2021 academic school year, along with a move to virtual learning, forced IP to transition its long-standing MM program from an in-person to an online format.
“The changes we implemented this past school year helped us save on program expenses, so the Board decided to reinvest these dollars back into the schools so the students would have more options to excel when they return to the classrooms in the fall,” co-founder Justin Hernandez said.