Mavens Milestones Program Completes Ninth Year
IP held its Maven’s Milestones (MM) end-of-year awards ceremony on Friday, May 24, 2019, marking its ninth consecutive year hosting the program.

MM is an incentive-based reading program with more than 1,200 Fort Worth ISD students participating at Washington Heights (WH), Cesar Chavez (CC) and Van Zandt-Guinn (VZG) Elementary schools. The program rewards students for reaching each of Maven the Raven’s milestones: Ascent, Afterburner, Approach and Call Sign Maven. Each milestone represents a specific number of points that the students earn by reading books and passing online quizzes.
The goals of the program are to increase elementary school reading levels, improve standardized testing results and encourage students to become lifelong readers. IP also coordinates interactive student engagements and provides school-specific reading trends to administrators.
Students at WH matched their performance from a year ago with 75% reaching the highest reading level. Fifth graders recorded a STAAR pass rate of 94%, which is the highest percentage since the program began at the school in 2010.
Approximately 60% of students at CC reached the highest reading level in the program, which is the highest percentage since the program was implemented at the school in 2013. Third and fourth graders recorded a STAAR pass rate of 80% and 79%, respectively, also the highest percentage since 2013.
“We’re extremely encouraged with this year’s program results and STAAR pass rates,” IP co-founder Justin Hernandez said. “This is what the program is all about. These students are motivated to read and the results continue to come in strong year after year.”
Additional metrics include:
Washington Heights
- 100% of all kinder students reached the highest reading level
- 1st and 3rd grade students had the highest reading comprehension score since program implementation and are currently reading at grade level
Cesar Chavez
- 2nd and 4th grade students had the highest percent of student at the Maven level and the highest reading comprehension score since program implementation
- 5th grade students had the highest reading comprehension score since program implementation
Van Zandt-Guinn
- 5th grade students had the highest reading comprehension score since program implementation