IP 2018 Scholarship Network Party
Impossible Possibilities (IP) hosted its inaugural Scholarship Network Party on Saturday, June 23, 2018, at the Clearfork Food Truck Park in Fort Worth.

IP hosted the event to promote the launch of its new “Scholarship Network” web application designed to connect the organization’s 67 scholarship recipients. The user-friendly platform allows past and present scholarship recipients to connect with one another based on university, major and interests.
Additionally, scholarship recipients can connect with members of the IP Advisory Board (AB) for potential mentorship, internship and employment opportunities. The AB is comprised of business professionals in the DFW area who share a common interest in education and who provide strategic and financial support.
“We’re really excited about the potential of this new platform. It’s going to provide a great way for our scholarship students to grow their individual networks, and it will be an important tool for the organization to stay connected with them after they graduate and start their careers,” IP Board of Director Johnathan Baker.
More than 40 former scholarship recipients and members of the AB attended the event and welcomed the organization’s 2018 Scholarship Class. The 2018 class is the largest since 2009 consisting of nine students in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and one international student currently attending school in Kenya.
The Impossible Possibilities 2018 Scholarship Class includes:
Hasnat Ahmad, Trinity High School
Hannah Baker, Boswell High School
Mamta Bhujel, O.D. Wyatt High School
Leticia Garcia, Paschal High School
Arlene Godfreey-Igwe, L.V. Berkner High School
Stacy Godfreey-Igwe, L.V. Berkner High School
Joseph Nguma, Mount Kenya University
Janae Jackson, South Hills High School
Elizabeth Salcedo, O.D. Wyatt High School
Samar Siddiqui, Martin High School