Maven’s Milestones Completes Seventh Year
Impossible Possibilities (IP) held its Maven’s Milestones end-of-year awards ceremony on Friday, May 26, 2017, marking its seventh consecutive year hosting the program.

Maven’s Milestones is an incentive-based reading program with more than 1,700 Fort Worth ISD students participating at five elementary schools, including Cesar Chavez (CC), I.M. Terrell (IMT), Washington Heights (WH), Woodway (WW) and Van Zandt Guinn (VZG). The goals of the Maven’s Milestones Reading Achievement Program are to increase both elementary school reading levels and standardized testing results, as well as to encourage students to become lifelong readers.
The program rewards students for reaching each of “Maven’s Milestones:” Ascent, Afterburner, Approach and Call Sign Maven. Each milestone represents a specific number of points that the students earn by reading books and passing online quizzes.
For three years in a row, WH recorded the highest average reading totals of all schools, continuing its trend of increased reading growth since the program was originally introduced at the campus in 2010.
“Washington Heights continues to exceed expectations each and every year,” said Justin Hernandez, co-founder of Impossible Possibilities. “Approximately 75% of all students reached the highest reading level up from 50% in the prior year. Also, we have seen tremendous improvement in STAAR pass rates amongst 3rd graders since the program was implemented.”
In addition, approximately 50% of all CC students made it to the highest reading level, while newcomer IMT had 35% of all students make it to the highest level.
IP will look to expand the program offering to Kindergarten students in each of its existing schools in an effort to increase school readiness amongst early age children.