MM Students Discover the Maya Capital of Tikal
Impossible Possibilities co-founder Joshua Hernandez presented to students on Friday, March 10, 2017, as part of the organization’s Maven’s Milestones (MM) reading achievement program.

MM is an incentive-based reading achievement program with more than 1,700 students participating at five Fort Worth ISD elementary schools. The program rewards students for reaching each of “Maven the Raven’s Milestones:” Ascent, Afterburner, Approach and Call Sign Maven. Each milestone represents a specific number of points that the students earn by reading books and passing online quizzes.
Hernandez met with fourth and fifth graders at Cesar Chavez, I.M. Terrell, Washington Heights, Woodway and Van-Zandt Guinn elementary schools in Fort Worth. He presented part two of a series about his 2016 summer travels to the Maya heartland of Belize and Guatemala.
Hernandez discussed the history of the Maya people, including their unique physical features, major scientific achievements and advanced architecture. He also showed pictures and talked about his trip to the former Maya capital of Tikal located in northern Guatemala. Tikal National Park and its 200-plus miles of surrounding rainforest received the distinction of a World Heritage Site in 1979 for both its archeological significance and biodiversity.
“I love coming back and sharing my experiences abroad with these students,” Hernandez said. “These presentations are a great way for me to inspire them to continue reading. That’s what it’s all about.”
Hernandez took the 26-day trip to complete his first fiction novel, entitled, “Maven the Raven: Tree of Life,” which features the main character for which the reading program was named.