4th Annual Dallas Citywide Luggage Drive
Impossible Possibilities (IP) sponsored the 4th Annual Dallas Citywide Luggage Drive held on Thursday, June 8, 2016, at Dallas City Hall.

The grant marks the fourth consecutive year that the organization has contributed to the drive, which benefits graduating high school seniors in the Dallas ISD. Each recipient will use the luggage as they transition from high school to college.
IP purchased 22 sets of luggage, contributing to the more than 200 college-bound students who benefited from the drive in 2016. Since the inaugural event in 2013, the luggage drive has helped more than 550 students.
The annual event was organized by 2011 IP scholarship award recipient and 2015 Georgetown University graduate Adan Gonzalez, who realized the need after his own experience of using trash bags when he moved from Dallas Oak Cliff to Washington D.C.