Advisory Board

The Impossible Possibilities' Advisory Board is comprised of individuals who share a common belief in education. Members are eligible to participate in program committees, sponsored outings and networking events, as well as attend the organization’s semiannual speaker series, which features private talks by accomplished professionals.


Members serve two-year terms, either as Junior or Senior members. Junior members are required to make a minimum annual contribution of $300, while Senior members are required to make a minimum annual contribution of $500. The only difference between Junior and Senior members is the donation amount. All contributions are tax deductible.


AB members are not required, but are highly encouraged, to attend organization functions, including program-related activities and networking events.


The responsibilities of the Advisory Board are two-fold: the first is to offer recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning improvements in the areas of programs, administration and fundraising. The second is to assist the Board of Directors in securing financial resources by contributing funds, recruiting new members and referring potential donors.

Upcoming Events

    Become a Member

    Interested in becoming an Advisory Board member? Please submit the form below:

    “I've seen firsthand the impact Impossible Possibilities makes in the lives of students and their families. It is a privilege to be a part of the organization’s Advisory Board because it offers different ways to stay involved and connect with other like-minded individuals, either through program committees or networking events.”

    Brandon Brinkman, Capital Heights Wealth Management